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Batik Mangrove, Qorry’s Journey in Conservation & Heritage

I feel like when I wear batik, I look more elegant and even more handsome. Haha!

I have to admit, there was a time when I considered batik to be old-fashioned. The designs didn't appeal to me, and I saw it as something my parents or grandparents would wear on formal occasions. But everything changed for me on October 2, 2009, when UNESCO officially recognized batik as an Intangible Cultural Heritage. Suddenly, batik wasn’t just a piece of cloth anymore; it was a symbol of identity, culture, and pride for the Indonesian people.

Designers started experimenting with patterns, and batik garments became more fashionable. I found myself buying batik shirts to support our cultural heritage, and my love for batik grew deeper as I discovered the beautiful artistry behind it.

Batik, with its intricate techniques, symbols, and cultural significance, has been a part of Indonesia's identity for centuries. It wasn’t long before batik from various regions, including my hometown of Situbondo, began emerging with their own unique motifs.

The resurgence of batik sparked innovation, and the diversity in patterns grew, which only intensified my passion for it. Eventually, I even started replacing my trousers with batik cloths for a more comfortable and eye-catching look. It was a bit awkward at first—people stared, and some even commented—but soon I became used to it. Now, even when I travel, I confidently wear my batik cloth, embracing the stares with pride.

Among the many batik enthusiasts I’ve encountered, one stands out to me: Qorry Oktaviani, a remarkable woman who has found a way to combine cultural heritage with environmental conservation. Her work in reviving mangroves through batik deeply resonates with my own environmental concerns. Mangroves, often overlooked for their ecological benefits, became the foundation for her beautiful creation—batik mangrove.

Crafting Batik with Purpose

The excitement of the Batik Group from Dusun Pangkal Babu, Tungkal Satu, Tanjung Jabung Barat, as they create batik together. (Photo credit: Qorry Oktaviani)

Let me share with you the inspiring journey of Qorry Oktaviani, a woman who turned her love for the environment into something extraordinary. Born on October 3, 1994, Qorry's passion for nature took root during her studies in biology at Andalas University. It was there, during a field study, that she first encountered the vast mangrove forests along the coasts of Pangkal Babu, Tungkal Ilir, in Jambi. These mangroves were just seen as ordinary parts of the landscape—used for fish ponds, plantations, or building materials—but Qorry saw them as much more.

Her deeper understanding of mangroves came when she started working with WARSI, an environmental NGO. She quickly realized that mangroves were not only crucial to protecting the coastline from erosion but also played a vital role in reducing carbon emissions and supporting marine ecosystems. However, the local community didn’t see their true value. Many of them were unaware of the rich ecological benefits these plants offered, and they exploited the mangroves without considering the long-term environmental consequences.

That’s where Qorry stepped in. Her mission wasn’t just about conservation—it was about educating the community on the sustainable use of mangroves. She believed that these resources could provide both ecological and economic benefits if managed correctly. One of her first initiatives was empowering the women in her community to transform local products, such as shrimp, into marketable goods like crackers. This small step created a ripple effect, boosting the village economy and sparking new ideas for further sustainable development.

It was during this time that the concept of Batik Mangrove was born. Qorry realized that the natural dyes found in mangrove plants could be used to create beautiful, eco-friendly batik. This not only preserved the tradition of batik-making but also provided an additional income stream for the local community—all while promoting environmental sustainability.

Blending Nature and Art

The photo illustrates the process of drying batik fabric after it has been dyed with natural dyes derived from mangrove plants. (Image credit:

It wasn’t an instant revelation, but over time, Qorry saw the hidden potential in the mangroves, particularly in their bark and fruit. From this, the concept of "Batik Mangrove" was born, and it marked the beginning of a beautiful transformation. Alongside a group of ten women from the village, she founded the Batik Mangrove collective in 2020. The group worked tirelessly to create natural dyes from the mangroves, and soon enough, the unique colors began to emerge from the natural world onto the batik fabric.

As I walked along the serene coastal landscape, I found myself captivated by the rich biodiversity of mangrove plants that line the shore. Each tree not only plays a vital role in protecting our coastline but also offers a stunning palette of colors that nature has generously provided.

Take Rhizophora mucronata, commonly known as Bakau. This majestic tree stands tall, its bark possessing a deep, rich brown hue that serves as a natural dye. It reminds me of the warm earth after a rainstorm, grounding and comforting. I could imagine how artisans transform this vibrant color into stunning fabrics, bringing a piece of nature’s beauty into our everyday lives.

Then there’s the Avicennia marina, or Api-api. Its leaves and bark create earthy tones of gray and greenish-brown, reminiscent of weathered stones or the gentle waves lapping at the shore. This color palette evokes a sense of calm and connection to the land, a perfect choice for those seeking to incorporate the essence of the coast into their creations.

These are the parts of the Avicennia marina plant. (I took a screenshot of this image from, and the picture is sourced from the book "Panduan Lapangan Jenis-jenis Tumbuhan Restorasi" by the Department of Forestry, Jica, and Lipi, published in 2014)

The Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, known as Tancang, introduces a lovely reddish-brown shade through its bark and roots. This color is bold yet warm, reminiscent of sunsets casting their glow across the horizon. It’s a hue that sparks creativity, inspiring designs that capture the vibrancy of life along the coast.

Lastly, I can’t overlook the beauty of Sonneratia alba, or Perepat. The roots and bark of this tree yield softer green and light brown tones, delicate and soothing, much like the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. This tranquil color can inspire artworks that evoke feelings of peace and harmony with nature.

Batik Mangrove Takes Root

Let me continue the story of Qorry Oktaviani and her remarkable impact on her community through Batik Mangrove. What started as a conservation initiative quickly evolved into something much bigger—a powerful tool for economic empowerment, especially for the women in the village. Before Batik Mangrove, many of these women struggled with unstable incomes, but thanks to the collective, they now have a sustainable means to support their families. Through their craft, they’ve not only preserved their environment but also revitalized their local economy.

As demand for Batik Mangrove grew, so did the recognition. The collective has been celebrated at national events, showcasing how their work intertwines environmental conservation with the rich tradition of batik-making. The pieces they produce—about 35 each month—are truly labors of love. Each one, particularly the hand-drawn batik, takes weeks of careful attention to detail. The prices reflect this dedication, with hand-drawn pieces selling for up to Rp350,000 and stamped batik around Rp180,000.

What makes these batik pieces truly special is that they tell a story. The motifs are inspired by the natural world surrounding them, featuring elements like the birds and trees from the mangrove forests. Every design carries cultural significance, connecting the wearer to the rich biodiversity of the mangroves and the traditions of the village. Through Batik Mangrove, Qorry has woven a legacy that bridges art, culture, and environmental stewardship.

Batik as a Symbol of Conservation

Qorry Oktaviani’s vision reaches far beyond the fabric of batik. For her, Batik Mangrove is more than just an art form—it’s a powerful tool for promoting the cultural and ecological heritage of Pangkal Babu. Each batik piece embodies the community’s pride while also serving as a reminder of the vital importance of preserving the mangrove forests. Over time, Batik Mangrove has evolved into a key symbol of the region, drawing tourists and becoming a sought-after souvenir for visitors to the conservation areas.

Her unwavering dedication to both conservation and culture was recognized on a national scale in 2023, when she was honored with the prestigious SATU Indonesia Award by Astra. This award celebrates individuals making significant contributions to their communities, and Qorry’s work stands as a beacon of inspiration.

Her efforts have ignited a new awareness across Indonesia, demonstrating the deep connection between cultural heritage and environmental conservation. Through Batik Mangrove, Qorry has shown how art can be a force for sustainable change, encouraging others to reflect on how they can make an impact in their own communities.

The Impact of Batik Mangrove: Preserving Culture, Empowering Communities

Discover the Mangrove Tourism Village in Pangkal Babu, where Qorry Oktaviani's efforts in conservation and community empowerment bring nature and culture together.

Qorry Oktaviani has proven that conservation and progress can go hand in hand. By transforming mangroves into a sustainable resource, she has not only safeguarded the environment but also preserved her community’s cultural identity. The Batik Mangrove initiative continues to flourish, with innovative designs emerging as they gain access to better tools and resources. Despite this growth, their mission remains rooted in protecting the environment and uplifting the community through artistic expression.

Batik Mangrove is far more than a mere fashion statement—it symbolizes the delicate balance between progress and preservation. For me, and countless others, it represents the harmony that arises when we combine our love for cultural heritage with a deep sense of responsibility toward the planet. As more people become passionate about preserving batik, my appreciation for it continues to grow, especially knowing this effort aligns with environmental conservation. A prosperous community naturally seeks to protect its environment, and as more mangrove trees are planted, the coastal ecosystem thrives, enriching the landscape.

Through batik, Qorry has woven a narrative of resilience, hope, and sustainable living. Each piece of Batik Mangrove captures the essence of nature, intertwining tradition and conservation, and stands as a testament to the beauty of what we can achieve when we prioritize both heritage and the environment.


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