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Showing posts with the label profil

Fauzi, Sosok di Balik Gerakan Pemuda dan Musik Situbondo

Ahmad Fauzi berdiri di tengah kebunnya Aku tak menyangka akan menemukan sesuatu yang begitu luar biasa di sudut kecil Situbondo ini. Sebuah lahan hijau yang tertata rapi, penuh dengan kehidupan dan harapan. Greenhouse sederhana berdiri kokoh, dikelilingi jaring halus sebagai tempat pembibitan. Di sekitarnya, deretan tanaman sayur tumbuh subur—terong, cabai, kacang panjang, kelor, sawi, serai, pepaya, hingga okra.  Tak jauh dari situ, ada kolam ikan yang airnya berkilauan di bawah sinar matahari. Area lain dipenuhi tanaman obat, masing-masing telah diberi papan nama, seolah memberi isyarat bahwa tempat ini bukan sekadar kebun, melainkan sumber ilmu dan kehidupan. Di tengah lahan, toren biru mencolok berdiri tinggi, menjadi sumber pengairan utama. Pemandangan ini semakin kontras karena lahan ini dihimpit oleh sawah dan rumah penduduk.  Toren biru ini bukan sekadar tempat penyimpanan air, tapi sumber kehidupan bagi tanaman sayur yang tumbuh hijau di sekitarnya. Ketika aku sibuk m...

Imron, Penggerak Literasi dari Desa Trebungan, Situbondo

Moh. Imron adalah bukti nyata bahwa semangat, kerja keras, dan cinta pada ilmu bisa membawa perubahan nyata bagi komunitas. (Kredit foto: Moh. Imron) Di sebuah sudut kecil Situbondo, ada seorang pria yang menjalani hidupnya dengan kesederhanaan, namun penuh mimpi besar. Namanya Moh. Imron, sosok yang kini dikenal sebagai direktur takanta, sebuah komunitas literasi yang menjadi rumah bagi banyak penulis terutama di Situbondo. Meski begitu, Imron bukanlah seseorang yang langsung dilahirkan sebagai penggerak. Masa kecil hingga remajanya lebih sering diwarnai rasa minder daripada percaya diri. Dari Anak Pemalu Menjadi Sosok Berani Ilustrasi dibuat menggunakan Canva Dulu, Imron adalah remaja yang merasa tertinggal. Saat teman-temannya sibuk dengan ponsel dan berbagai aktivitas, ia bahkan tidak memiliki telepon genggam. Pelajaran TIK di sekolah menjadi momok karena ia tak pernah menyentuh komputer sebelumnya. Tapi rasa minder itu justru menjadi titik awal perjalanan perubahan. Imron memutusk...

Perjuangan Eja di Dunia Fotografi Wedding Malang

Di tengah lanskap dunia fotografi wedding di Malang yang kian ramai, para fotografer bermunculan bak jamur di musim hujan. Layaknya spora yang diterbangkan angin, mereka menyebar ke berbagai penjuru, mencari tempat untuk tumbuh dan berkembang. Persaingan menjadi semakin padat, seolah medan ini adalah taman luas tempat para jamur berlomba menunjukkan bentuk terbaiknya. Namun, di antara hiruk-pikuk ini, berdirilah Eja, seorang fotografer wedding berbakat yang dengan penuh keyakinan menapaki jalannya sendiri. Bagi Eja, kompetisi yang memanas bukanlah ancaman, melainkan panggilan untuk terus menyempurnakan karyanya. Dalam setiap bidikan lensanya, ia membawa mimpi dan cerita, menjadikan setiap momen pernikahan lebih dari sekadar dokumentasi, melainkan kenangan yang abadi. Bagaikan pelukis dengan kanvas hidup, Eja tak sekadar memotret, ia mengabadikan emosi. Dan di tengah hiruk-pikuk persaingan para fotografer wedding di Malang, Eja memilih untuk tak hanya bertahan, tetapi bersinar dengan ca...

The Journey of Ahirul Habib Padilah in Sustainable Farming

When I first heard about Ahirul Habib Padilah, I was struck by a sense of awe that words hardly capture. Here was someone who left behind the comforts of city life to return to his roots, fueled by a purpose much larger than himself. Habib didn’t just go home; he brought with him a vision—a dream to build a future for his village through integrated, sustainable farming. His story isn’t just about farming; it's about a profound dedication to community, growth, and the pursuit of a better world. And in his journey, he’s inspired many, including myself, to reconsider what it means to live meaningfully and sustainably. Imagining myself in Habib’s shoes, I often wonder how it would feel to take that first step away from the known, toward something uncertain but deeply purposeful. Habib’s journey reminds us that when we come together with shared goals, we can create lasting change. It’s the kind of transformation that goes beyond individual gains—it enriches everyone it touches. Someday,...

Amilia Agustin: Together, Creating a Greener Future

Sometimes, I find myself lost in thought, wondering: if I could do something truly impactful for the Earth, what would it be? Just imagining it brings a smile to my face, like picturing an endless blue sky—calm, clear, and free. Then, I think of someone who’s already made that bold leap: Amilia Agustin. Her journey inspires me. It feels as if the Earth is always in need of one more person like her, someone willing to get their hands dirty for a cleaner, healthier world. One day, I dream of achieving something just as meaningful. Until then, I’ll share her story with you, hoping it inspires you as it has inspired me. Together for the Earth Amilia Agustin—known by her friends as Amilia—might seem like an ordinary person to some, but to me, she’s a hero of the environment. Her deep concern about waste in schools earned her the title "The School’s Waste Queen." Imagine that, at such a young age, she received the prestigious SATU Indonesia Award in 2010 for her exceptional contrib...

The Journey of Bambang Sardi and His Impact on Indonesia’s Coconut Farmers

Some stories are too powerful to ignore, and Bambang Sardi’s journey is one of them. There’s a sense of awe that fills me as I delve into his story—a story of unwavering dedication, ingenuity, and compassion. It’s rare to encounter someone who is not only driven by purpose but also finds a way to uplift others along the way. I can only hope that someday, I’ll follow in his footsteps, creating lasting impact on this earth as he has for the communities of Central Sulawesi. This is more than a story about coconut oil; it’s a narrative of unity, creation, and sustainability. A Land Rich in Coconut Potential Sulawesi Tengah, or Central Sulawesi, is no ordinary province. It stands as one of Indonesia’s coconut capitals, contributing significantly to the country’s vast coconut production. According to recent data from the Provincial Plantation and Livestock Service, the region boasts around 100,000 hectares of coconut plantations, yielding approximately 180,310 tons of coconuts every year. Am...

Dreams, Soil, and a New Hope for Indonesia’s Agriculture

Under the magical sky of Bali, a transformation took root within me—a profound shift sparked by a woman whose passion for organic farming seemed to reach the heavens. Meeting Maya Stolastika Boleng was like encountering a beacon of light guiding me toward a world where harmony with nature was more than just a dream; it was a reality she had begun to cultivate. Inspired by her story, I often imagine walking a similar path, carving out my place in a movement that seeks to heal our earth. Maya’s Vision for a Greener Bali Bali, with its breathtaking landscapes and rich culture, now also stands as a hopeful glimpse into the future of sustainable agriculture. Since the implementation of Regional Regulation No. 8 of 2020, spearheaded by Bali's Governor Wayan Koster, the island has committed to turning its fields into organic havens by 2024. This goal envisions a new reality where only organic produce graces the island's markets, pushing conventional products aside. It was in this fert...